We will guide you on the path to a happier and more fulfilling life
We co-create a wonderful place for living in organizations
Wellbeing – The Art of Living is a holistic view on how to live well and contentedly and how to bring more meaningfulness and harmony to important areas of our lives. Many of us believe that to achieve great things we must make brutal sacrifices, that to succeed in work we must focus single-mindedly, at the expense of everything else in life – ourselves, our family and our community.
The well-known “work-life balance” expresses the relationship between work and the rest of life, which is more of a compromise. It expresses that “work” competes with “life”, ignoring the fact that a happy life is a harmony of the five basic pillars of life. We need to find consistency between them.
Wellbeing is built on five basic pillars:
We all need to do something meaningful in life, something that we enjoy and find fulfilling, preferably every day. It does not matter whether it is in organizational setting, at work, school, within family or as a hobby. What matters is that we devote our time to something we look forward to and that gives us energy.
The quality of our relationships at home, at work and with our friends is extremely important to our health and wellbeing. Relationships with close people help us to cope with stressful situations, overcome obstacles, manage partial failures, and experience the feeling that someone cares about us and that we are loved.
When we get involved in community where we live, we bring back a “piece of ourselves” – our skills, knowledge, time … it benefits us as well as our entire community. This “well – doing “, kindness and helpfulness are among the deepest human pleasures. Doing something for the others is very fulfilling.
Wellbeing, wellbenig česká republika, zdraví, smysl, fitness, wellbeing pro organizace, vztahy, finance, komunita, spokojenost, spokojený život, kvalita života, kvalitní život, zdravá strava, harmonizace života, životní návyky, zdravý pohyb, životní režim, stres, životní změna, wellbeing, wellbeing zlepšení života, firemní kultura, správné dýchání